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The difference between electric screwdriver impact and non-impact


The difference between electric screwdriver impact and non-impact


1.The function of electric screwdriver An electric screwdriver is a tool that can quickly tighten screws. It can replace manual screw tightening and improve work efficiency. In the use of electric screwdrivers, impact and non-impact are two different working modes.


2. The difference between electric screwdriver impact and non-impact

1. No impact mode

The non-impact mode is work without impact. The screw head directly tightens the screw while rotating. This mode is suitable for situations that require precise control of force, such as assembling toys, furniture, etc. It can avoid damaging the product due to excessive force.

2. Impact mode

The impact mode has an impact force while rotating, which can tighten the screws more quickly. It is suitable for situations where screws with greater stress need to be processed, such as disassembly of automobile parts, installation of steel structures, etc. . At the same time, the impact mode can also solve the problem of some screws and nuts that are difficult to remove due to corrosion and other reasons.


3. Advantages and disadvantages of electric screwdriver impact and non-impact

1. The advantage of non-impact mode is that it is accurate and not too fast, so it is suitable for some occasions that require high control strength. The disadvantage is that the range of use is limited and it cannot handle some larger forces.

2. The advantage of the impact mode is that it is fast and can handle some screws that are stuck together or corroded. The disadvantage is that the screws and nuts will be damaged after impact, and the use is not precise.

4. Summary

Through the above introduction, we can see the difference between impact and non-impact electric screwdrivers, as well as their respective advantages and disadvantages. In actual work, we should choose according to different work needs when selecting modes, which can improve work efficiency and avoid damage to screws.