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Hand-held cordless lithium electric woodworker planer

Wood Router

Hand-held cordless lithium electric woodworker planer


◐ Model number:UW-DC501B

Planer (Brushless)

Planning Width:82mm

Cutting Depth: 2mm

No-Load Speed:15000r/min


    product DETAILS

    UW-DC501B (7)mini electric planeryhvUW-DC501B (8)woodworking electric planergis

    product description

    Manual planer installation method
    First, buy a suitable manual planer
    The installation of manual planer first requires the purchase of a suitable manual planer. Depending on the material and the size of the planing, choose the appropriate manual planer. When choosing, pay attention to the quality of the blade and the sharpness of the blade to ensure the planing effect and safety.
    2. Prepare tools and materials
    Prepare tools and materials including logs, hand planers, woodworking clips, etc. Before installation, it is necessary to disassemble the manual planer, clean the residue and rust, so as to facilitate the next installation.
    Third, check the manual planer assembly
    Before installing the manual planer, check whether the blade and adjusting screw are intact and whether the degree of tightness of the adjusting screw is appropriate.
    4. Install manual planer
    When installing the manual planer, adjust the adjusting screw to the appropriate position according to the requirements, and then lock the manual planer into the woodworking clip. Next, adjust the Angle of the blade to the log and use a woodworking clip to grip the planed material.
    5. Use manual planer
    When using a manual planer, it is necessary to push and pull the manual planer along the grain direction of the log to avoid excessive cutting and damage to the blade. When using a manual planer, protect your hands and place them in a safe position to avoid injury.
    Six, precautions
    1. When installing and using manual planer, always pay attention to safety and avoid cutting hands or other body parts.
    2. Before use, check whether the manual planer is intact and avoid using damaged blades and adjusting screws.
    3. In the planing process, the Angle of the blade and the log should be properly adjusted to maintain the smoothness and unity of the planing.
    The text ends. The above is the manual planer installation method and precautions, I hope to help you.